Our authors come from a variety of backgrounds, spanning different ages, levels of writing experience, and locations. This diversity enriches their work, bringing unique perspectives and a wealth of knowledge
to the books they create.
Based in Florida, we are proud to have a strong presence of local authors from the Sunshine State. However, our community extends far beyond, with the majority of our authors coming from over 20 states across the U.S. and even a few from foreign countries, adding a
global perspective to our work.
Since we are based in Naples, we have published a number of local Southwest Florida writers, and also authors around Florida, including: Miami, Tampa, Orlando, Boca Raton, and Sarasota to name a few.
Many of the states where our authors reside, include:
New York, New Jersey, California, Oregon, Washington, Arizona, Massachusetts, Maine, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, Colorado, Tennessee, Kentucky, Mississippi, Alabama, Texas, Virginia, North Carolina, Missouri, and even a few countries, Australia, Sweden, Ireland, and France.
"I also am grateful to Jeff Schlesinger and the rest of the team at Barringer Publishing for taking a chance on a middle-aged first-time author who likes to write about delusional rage. Jeff and his team have been a dream fit for this first-time author, and Jeff responded quickly and thoughtfully to all my questions and ideas. Their sensitivity to the subject matter and my eccentricities have made this book as good as it can be."
- Author Rob Rogers
"Jeff Schlesinger of Barringer Publishers provided support and guidance throughout the process of putting the manuscript into
publishable form."
- Stanley Witkin